Did You Know?

“Memphis, Tennessee” is a classic rock ‘n’ roll song by Chuck Berry. The song tells the story of a father who is trying to get in touch with his daughter, Marie, who lives in Memphis, Tennessee. He is separated from his daughter due to a divorce, and he desperately wants to hear her voice again.

The father makes a long-distance phone call to Memphis, but when he tries to speak to Marie, her mother intercepts the call and informs him that Marie is not allowed to talk to him. The song reflects the theme of family separation and the longing of a parent to be reunited with their child.

Chuck Berry’s upbeat and energetic guitar-driven sound is a hallmark of the song, and it became one of his most iconic tracks. “Memphis, Tennessee” captures the spirit of early rock ‘n’ roll and remains a timeless classic in the genre.



“Memphis, Tennessee”

Long distance information, give me Memphis, Tennessee
Help me find the party trying to get in touch with me
She could not leave her number, but I know who placed the call
‘Cause my uncle took the message and he wrote it on the wallHelp me, information, get in touch with my Marie
She’s the only one who’d phone me here from Memphis, Tennessee
Her home is on the south side, high up on a ridge
Just a half a mile from the Mississippi bridge

Help me, information, more than that I cannot add
Only that I miss her and all the fun we had
But we were pulled apart because her mom did not agree
And tore apart our happy home in Memphis, Tennessee

Last time I saw Marie, she was waving me goodbye
With hurry-home drops on her cheek that trickled from her eye
Marie is only 6 years old, information, please
Try to put me through to her in Memphis, Tennessee

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